
23 Mart 2015 Pazartesi

Convention of Biological Diversit

Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Sözleşmesi’ne göre, insanlar tarafından kaynakların tüketimi ve C02 emisyonları doğanın sindirebileceği ve zararlarını ortadan kaldırabileceği miktardan fazla olan %44 seviyesindedir.

Biyosferde yıllık kişi başına gerekli alan 1.3 hektarı aşıyor.

Indeks Türkiye, 73 milyon:
Yıllık kişi başına tüketimin gerektirdiği alan: 2.7 hektar.
Yıllık kişi başına ekolojik alan açığı: 1.4 hektar.

Bu seviyede bir tüketimi sürdürebilmek için, beş gezegene daha ihtiyacımız olacak.
Bu yüzden gezegenimizi gelecek nesillere bırakabilmek için acilen yaşam tarzımızı temelli değiştirmek gerekiyor.

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The Convention of Biological Diversity
(CBD) says that the human consumption of resources and CO2 emissions are 44% higher than the planet can replace and absorb.

Each person puts a demand on the environment that is equivalent to 1.3 ha per year.          

Index Türkje, 73 million:
Consumption requires 2.7 ha / per person / year.
Ecological deficit of 1.4 ha per person / year.

To maintain this level of consumption, we would need five planets.

This means that permanent lifestyle changes are urgently needed to ensure the survival of this planet for future generations.

19 Mart 2015 Perşembe

Oak Tree

I took an acorn and put it in a pot.
I then covered it with earth, not a lot.
Great pleasure was mine watching it grow.
The first budding green came ever so slow.
I watered my plant twice a week
I knew I would transplant it down by the creek.
One day it will be a giant oak,
To shield me from the sun a sheltering cloak.
Lovers will carve their initials in the bark,
An arrow through a heart they will leave their mark.
It will shelter those caught in a fine summers rain,
Under its leafy bows joy will be again.
Creatures of the wilds will claim it for their own,
Squirrels will reside here in their own home.
Birds will build nests and raise their young,
They will sing melodies a chorus well sung.
Under it’s branches grass will grow,
Here and there a wild flower it’s head will show.
My oak tree for hundreds of years will live.
Perhaps the most important thing I had to give.

Bernhard Shaw

Köpek Bakımı / Instrumentality of Stray Dogs

Dogs looking for loving homes. Köpekler yeni sahip ariyor.
Contact our Expert for stray dogs and Activist:
Rosemary Tramantano-Niaki
Bodrum -90 533 493 90 05

Dino (boy)

Wendy (female)
Mavi (male)

Dina & Line (girls)
Mini (female)
Loui the Lip (female)
Lobo (male)

Mickey (female)
Shiba (female)
Emy (female)

Missy (Ernys daughter, female)